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Hi folks, in this blog we will cover useLayoutEffect
React Hook. Hope you like it.
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Before we get started
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What is useLayoutEffect
The Early days React.js team releases a new Hook called useLayoutEffect
, when you read its documents in the first row you will see.
The signature is identical to useEffect, but it fires synchronously after all DOM mutations.
At first glance, you know that useLayoutEffect
is the same as useEffect
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [dependencies])
useLayoutEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [dependencies])
but what is the meaning of Fires synchronously after all DOM mutations.
what is DOM mutation?
DOM is an object representation of the HTML tree, React uses Virtual DOM, the virtual representation of the real DOM. This Virtual DOM of React makes diff algorithms efficient. The real DOM updates the UI using virtual DOM's batch updates. when every state changes in the website, React.js takes that change and mutates its virtual DOM after that real DOM will listen to that change and update, then the browser paints the changes to the users.
so, when any of the react app states changes before browser paints that to the web page react fire useLayoutEffect
hook synchronously (block the operation until useLayoutEffect
vs. useEffect
let's first take one example in this counter app by using useEffect
const Counter = () => {
const [number, setNumber] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
// do random operation.
}, [count]);
<h1> {number} </h1>
<button onClick={() => setNumber(number + 1)}>
increment number
</div> }
what it will do:
step 1: React add the Event listener to the increment button.
step 2: The user clicks the button and fires the function.
step 3: increment number value by one.
step 4: React render the new changes and the browser paint them to the user page.
step 5 and finally: React will fire useEffect
now we know about the useEffect
hook and that's ok 😎👍.
let's move to the useLayoutEffect
, now we just replace useEffect
with useLayoutEffect
and suppose that will do a random operation.
what're the changes now is when the user clicks that button React run dom mutation and then rigidly run the operation inside the useLayoutEffect
hook synchronously, it blocks the process until it finishes. lastly, the browser paints the changes to the user.
when we move to production, we need better performance and a good user experience. so, you want to choose the correct hook to handle this issue, it depends on your operation type, it's an expensive calculation and needs more time to solve or poorly operations. the good case of using the useLayoutEffect
hook when you need to do any DOM changes directly. the problem of using useLayoutEffect
when you want to do an expensive calculation that takes a couple of seconds to finish, by that it will block from rendering the page/component from viewing it to the users.
using React hook depends on which problem you want to solve, useLayoutEffect
is not come to improve react performance or replace useEffect
hook. but it's depending on you, take these two hooks and test your app then figure out what of them will yield a better solution and performance advancement.
All that being said, take care of yourselves, have a wonderful day and I hope to see you again soon.
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=> follow me on twitter: [alguerocode] (twitter.com/home)
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thank you for reading 😉.